Insect Eaten Crop
  • Fertilize and water your plants regularly. Insects are less likely to infest healthy and well-nourished plants.
  • Pull weeds around your plants as well. Insects such as aphids and stinkbugs feed on weeds; if they surround your plants, they're likely to attack them as well.
  • Plant herbs and flowers around your plants. Basil helps ward off whiteflies, which are harmful to tomatoes, and oregano can help protect tomato and cucumber plants. Carrots and sunflowers help deter pests from your tomato plants. Nasturtiums and marigolds help protect both tomato and cucumber plants.
  • Add natural predators. Soldier beetles, tachinid flies and braconid wasps feed on striped cucumber beetles, which can help protect your cucumber plants. Parasitic wasps will help eliminate leafminers and stink bugs from your tomato plants. Bigeyed bugs and minute pirate bugs attack tomato fruitworms that can destroy the fruit and stems of your tomato plants. Attract insect predators by growing plants that feature small flowers, such as daisies, dill and coneflower. These plants will encourage predators of insects and beneficial insects including ladybugs, nematodes, bats and birds.
  • Cover your organic vegetables-Spunbound Polyester Rowcover keeps out pests but allows light, air & water to get through.
  • Spray neem oil - Oils & seeds from the neem tree have been used in India for centuries. It's a great, low-toxicity insecticide & fungicide.
  • Spray vinegar - Spray household vinegar on your weeds. The acidic water kills them especially on sunny days.
  • Use botanical insecticide-Pyrethrum spray or dust is made from a daisy-like flower grown in Kenya. The flower is ground into powder. It protects against ants, aphids, roaches, fleas & flies but is not good for cats.
  • Weed your garden well and regularly to minimize hiding places for insect pests and to prevent the weeds from competing with your vegetables for water and nutrients.
  • Remove infested plants to prevent the pests from spreading to neighboring plants.
  • Place traps around the outside of your garden. Pheromone traps attract insects during their mating cycles, and yellow sticky traps are effective against flying insects such as aphids, whiteflies and fungus gnats.